She Said Themes

She Said Themes

Rape Culture / Sexual Misconduct

The book handles the rape culture and sexual misconduct in our current society and how it is prevalent in the workplace and various institutions. The authors use investigative journalism to further expose the sexual assault and harassment of women by men in leadership and powerful positions. Centering on the web of sexual misconduct by the film producer Harvey Weinstein the novel delves into his circle of influence to uncover the truths. It details the stories of women who came forward as sources to provide information about the producer’s sexual delinquencies. Ranging from physical sexual assaults to sexual inappropriateness the authors expose how such actions have been normalized. In that, the rape culture has been meshed in the public and private spheres that the sexual misconducts of many were left unchecked and without punishment. The authors take a stand to expose the extent of this norm that has seeped into all realms of the current society. Establishing an awakening by starting with divulging those in the top positions of the hierarchy to initiate a domino-effect to debunk the rape culture.

#MeToo Movement

The authors' initial New York Times publication indeed created the domino-effect that it hoped for in revealing the sexual misconducts of powerful executives. The normalization of rape culture rendered the victims of the sexual assault incapable to speak on it due to shame. The circle of influence of the executives permitted the misconducts to take place without any repercussions. The sexual-abuse allegations against Harvey Weinstein allowed for the stigma of speaking up to be softened thus more #MeToo stories. The untold stories demonstrated the shocking prevalence of the rape culture throughout all realms from entertainment spheres, corporate workplaces, to academic institutions. Therefore, the book acts as in-depth analysis in confronting the issue and consequently solidifying the #MeToo movement.

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