Small Things Like These Characters

Small Things Like These Character List

Bill Furlong

Bill Furlong is the central character in the novel. Furlong was brought up in a humble background. Furlong’s mother worked as a domestic servant in the houses of wealthy people, and one of them was Mrs. Wilson. While growing up as a young boy, Furlong saw her mother suffering at the hands of her masters, and he believed that someday, he would make it in life and remove her mother from poverty.

Furlong’s hard work, determination, and prayers gave him a reason to push on despite the challenges he passed through as a child. Later in life, Furlong established a successful coal and timber business and got big orders from his loyal customers. Consequently, Furlong is a significant character because he helps the author to develop the themes of hard work and determination, among others.


Eileen is the wife of Furlong, and she has five daughters with him. On the contrary, Eileen does not share the same views on life as her husband. For instance, when Furlong brings the topic of the suffering girls at the convent, Eileen dismisses the topic and discourages her husband from acting in good faith to help the girls escape.

According to Eileen, Furlong has a lot in life to focus on instead of meddling in the convent issues that do not concern him. However, Furlong reflects on his past and realizes that there is no point in him living if he cannot help those who need his assistance. Therefore, he goes against Eileen’s wish and decides to do whatever he can to set the suffering girls free from the covenant.

Sister Carmel

Sister Carmel is one of the lead nuns in the convent. When Furlong gets wind of the girls' suffering in the convent, he takes a bold step to confront Sister Carmel and ask her if the allegations and rumors are true. The revelation of Sister Carmel leaves Furlong with a dark heart, which gives him the reason to fight for the girls. However, Furlong knows that exposing the nuns might lead him to cancel his business deal with the convent, but he is ready to take the risk.

Mrs. Wilson

Mrs. Wilson is a Protestant of the wealthy people who employed Furlong’s mother as a domestic servant. While living with Mrs. Wilson, Furlong noted that not all wealthy people are bad. For instance, Furlong realized that she was humane and supportive, giving him the hope of fighting his struggles until he succeeded.

Sarah, Furlong’s mother

Furlong’s mother is a domestic servant who works in rich people’s homes to raise her son. However, the living conditions are harsh, and she finds it hard to sustain her needs together with those of her sons. Throughout her life, Furlong’s mother worked for people who did not value her input because she was a poor woman. However, when Sarah worked for Mrs. Wilson, she felt better and more secure. She got pregnant, but Madam Wilson was compassionate, and she adopted the child giving him the best support he could need to succeed.

Mrs. Kehoe

Mrs. Kehoe is the proprietor of a local pub who is well informed about what is happening in the neighborhood. When she hears that Furlong is planning to get involved in the matters of the convent, she advises him not to dare because the nuns have spies everywhere, and they do not want their actions to be known to the public. According to Mrs. Kehoe, the convent has powerful networks, and no one should dare expose them.

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