Small Things Like These Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Does determination emerge as one of the main themes in the novel Small Things like These by Claire Keegan?

    The protagonist, Furlong, is depicted as a person who emerges from nothing to become a vibrant businessperson who is respected by the entire community. Despite Furlong being raised by a single mother who was a casual laborer and domestic servant for the rich people, he was determined that through hard work, he would make it in life. Furlong wanted to be a better person financially and prove that poverty is not permanent. Furlong became a successful coal and timber merchant through hard work and determination. Therefore, the author's point of focus is that anybody in life can make it as long as he is determined to succeed.

  2. 2

    Why is Furlong troubled whenever he gets an order from the Good Shepherds Convent?

    The convent is one of the most trusted clients of Furlong because it has remained loyal since he started his coal and timber business. However, Furlong realized that this institution purports to assist helpless girls in getting their education and basic needs. However, the institution does the contrary because it enslaves the girls. For instance, child labor is rampant within the convent because, behind the scenes, the girls are the ones who work in the laundry business run by the institution. Furlong remembers an incident where a girl approached him and requested him to help her escape because the suffering she was going through was unbearable. Therefore, whenever Furlong gets an order from the convent, he remembers this unfortunate incident, which greatly troubles him.

  3. 3

    Why is Furlong differing from his wife on the issue of rescuing the suffering girl at the convent?

    Furlong’s upbringing is quite different from that of his wife, Eileen. For instance, a single mother who worked as a domestic servant in Mrs. Wilson's house brought up Furlong. Therefore, Furlong understood what suffering meant, especially for those girls living under the shadow of brutal nuns who pretended to be doing God’s work while practicing child labor and other forms of mistreatment. On the other hand, Eileen was raised in a stable family and did not see why her husband was meddling in other people’s affairs. Therefore, when Furlong tells his wife that he wants to help the suffering girl, she does not understand why he is getting into trouble. Consequently, Furlong and his wife have opposing views regarding the welfare of the girls at the convent despite the rampant rumors about their suffering.

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