Sophie's World Themes

Sophie's World Themes

Women’s place in the world

A common theme found almost in every chapter is the place women must have in the world. Alberto presents different points of view, from the Ancient Greeks to the Modern times and he always mentions how women were treated and the place they were given in the world. In Ancient Greece for example, women were seen as being inferior to men and presented as having only one purpose, namely to reproduce and to birth as many children as possible. There was not seen as being worthy or capable of taking decisions or ruling and thus were considered as being only little more advanced than various animals. In time however, things changed and women began to be seen as equal or as valuable as men. They were not looked down upon and society in general began to see them as valuable human beings, not just people capable of giving birth.

The importance of philosophy

Sophie’s World tries to explain the history of philosophy in a language that can be easily understood by anyone who wishes to read the book. Thus, one of the major themes is the idea that philosophy is extremely important and can help a person understand life better. Philosophy is what makes us understand the world better and what helps us be happier by answering questions regarding our place in the world, our purpose and the origin of everything. Also, another important thing stressed by the novel is the idea that no one is too young or too old to understand philosophy. If it is presented right, then philosophy is accessible to everyone and can be an easy subject to master.

Growing up

The novel is considered by many as being a coming of age or bildungsroman because it follows closely Sophie’s development and growth. The novel shows how education and a good mentor can help a person grow and develop into a mature and useful citizen in a country. Sophie becomes increasingly surer about the person she wants to become and this is all because of the philosophical teachings she received.

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