Over the course of his long and illustrious career, British author Roald Dahl wrote several dozen short stories. Two of his most famous are collected in Two Fables (originally published in 1986). They are called "Princess and the Poacher," which...

The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me is a children’s story written by notable children’s author, Roald Dahl. The book was published in 1985. Quentin Blake, frequent collaborator of Dahl’s, did the illustrations for the book.The story revolves around...

Although British author is best-known for his novels, he wrote countless short stories. But Roald Dahl's Book of Ghost Stories (originally published in 1983) feature none of Dahl's short stories. Instead, Dahl collected 14 of what he considered to...

Although he is best-known for his novels, Roald Dahl wrote dozens of poems. Quite a few of his poems are collected in Dirty Beasts (published in 1983), and all of those poems deal with, as the publisher says, "unsuspecting animals."

In one poem...

One of acclaimed British author Roald Dahl's books written for adults, My Uncle Oswald (originally published in 1979), tells the story of the eponymous Uncle Oswald, who one day discovers that the so-called "Sudanese Blister Beetle" has tremendous...

The Enormous Crocodile (originally published in 1978) is one of famed British author Roald Dahl's many books for children. It tells the story of the eponymous Enormous Crocodile, who is almost always hungry. To satiate that desire, the enormous...

Boots Riley's directoral debut is a black comedy - drama film with quite a stellar cast, including Forrest Whitaker, Rosario Dawson, Patton Oswalt and Danny Glover. The movie tells the story of a young black telemarketer who decides to speak with...

The title Switch Bitch (originally published in 1974) is likely to surprise bibliophiles and general audiences alike, for British author Roald Dahl is best-known for his children's books like The BFG. To that end, Switch Bitch is a collection of...

Kiss Kiss is the third collection of short stories published by legendary children’s author Roald Dahl. Like his first two collections, however, these are not stories intended for children, but rather have come to represent the iconic and...

Originally published in 1953, Someone Like You is famed British author Roald Dahl's collection of short stories. Dahl opined that the collection is for adults, and adults alone. Someone Like You includes eighteen short stories ,some of which were...

Some Time Never signals a major change for famed British author Roald Dahl. Well-known for his children's books (like The BFG), Some Time Never marks Dahl's first foray into adult literature. It tells the story of a group called the Gremlins, who...

Based on the James Ellroy novel of the same name, L.A. Confidential (1997) tells the story of three Los Angeles police officers (Jack Vincennes, played by Kevin Spacey; Bud White, played by Russell Crowe; Edmund Exley, played by Guy Pearce) who...

Written by Irish novelist Anne Enright, The Gathering (originally published in 2007), tells the story of a rather large Irish family who one day gathers for the funeral of a man called Liam Hegarty, an alcoholic who died by his own hand. The...

Although she's not especially well-known out of academic circles, American poet Ruth Forman has written countless classic poems, the vast majority of which talks about issues like spirituality and religion, love and romance, challenge, and grace....

The publisher-approved synopsis of Five Days (originally published in 2020) says that it is "A kaleidescopic account of five days in the life of a city on the edge." And that's certainly the truth. It tells the story of seven characters who...

Bartholomew and the Oobleck is a children's story book by the famous author of children's literature. Unlike his other famous works this book has a prose narration, with rhymes only appearing a few times.

The story follows a young Bartholomew...

What Pet Should I Get? (originally published in 2015) marks the first of many lost Dr. Seuss work to be published. It tells the story of Jay and Kay's (the two children from One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish) attempts to find themselves a...

Although it is one of the least-known books by Dr. Seuss, You're Only Old Once (originally published in 1986) tells an interesting story of an older man who visits the Golden Years Clinic. At the clinic, the man has to deal with incredibly long...

Like most Dr Seuss books, The Butter Battle Book seems at first glance to be nothing more than a fun book of rhyming prose that appeals to children and helps them to learn how to engage with books a little better. Also like most Dr Seuss books, ...