The Prestige is one of Christopher Nolan’s famed cinematography works, staring notable actors including Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman, as well as renowned musician David Bowie. The thriller was released on October 17, 2006 and distributed by...

The Mist is a novella penned by the godfather of horror writing, Stephen King. It tells the story of a mist that suddenly envelops the small town of Bridgton in Maine; the mist is not a natural phenomenon but an evil one, and it hides monsters...

Deborah Miranda's 2012 book Bad Indians is a unique one, particularly because its unique structure and because it is a mixed-genre book. To that end, the book is both a history of the authors tribe of California Indians and a memoir of the authors...

Fingersmith could aptly be described in the following sentence: Fingersmith is a historical crime/erotic novel set during the Victorian era in Britain. The book tells the story of Sue Trinder and Maud (in the first section, Sue controls the...

Kitty Hart Moxon was only fifteen years old when she was imprisoned in German death camp Auschwitz-Berkenau; seventy years later, she returns to the camp, taking with her two teenage girls the same age as she was when she first passed through the...

Released on September 10th, 2019 (6 days prior to this writing), She Said by journalists Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey is already a best seller on Amazon -- and likely at The New York Times when they release their bestseller lists.

At its core, She...

Senator Elizabeth Warren's A Fighting Chance (released in April 2014) is a New York Times Bestseller, a rarity for a political book -- let alone for a political book of a then-inspiring Senator from Massachusetts. Primarily, the book is memoir. It...

Andrew Yang's 2018 book The War on Normal People is an interesting book. Released as a way for Yang to deliver his central campaign policies, Yang discusses things like technology change, automation, the economy (and jobs), and one of his core...

The Senator Next Door is Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar's memoir. The blurb on the book describes its content very well: "One of the U.S. Senate's most candid--and funniest--women tells the story of her life and her unshakable faith in our...

Becoming is a twenty-four chapter memoir by former First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama. More celebrity than political figure, Mrs Obama is said to have employed the services of a ghostwriter to help her put her memories, experiences...