Calculus 10th Edition

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1-28505-709-0
ISBN 13: 978-1-28505-709-5

Chapter 1 - Limits and Their Properties - 1.2 Exercises - Page 57: 63



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The original function for this problem is $$f(x)=(1+x)^\frac{1}{x}$$ So, the hole, or undefined point, of the function as $x$ is approaching $0$, which can be $x\rightarrow 0$, which notes that the point will be labeled as $$0,y$$ So, when it comes to the limitation of this function when $x=0$, it can be expressed as the following: $$\begin{matrix} _{x\rightarrow 0}^{\lim}\textrm{f(x)}&=_{x\rightarrow 0}^{\lim}\mathrm{(1+x)^\frac{1}{x}}\\ &=e\\ &\approx 2.71828 \end{matrix}$$ First, we will find the points to the left of $0$, which the first 6 $x$-values and $f(x)$'s are the following: $$\begin{matrix} x & &f(x) \\ -.1 & (1+(-.1))^\frac{1}{(-.1)} &2.867972 \\ -.01 & (1+(-.01))^\frac{1}{(-.01)} &2.731999 \\ -.001 & (1+(-.001))^\frac{1}{(-.001)} &2.719642 \\ -.0001 & (1+(-.0001))^\frac{1}{(-.0001)} &2.718418 \\ -.00001 & (1+(-.00001))^\frac{1}{(-.00001)} &2.718295 \\ -.000001 & (1+(-.000001))^\frac{1}{(-.000001)} &2.718283 \end{matrix}$$ Second, we will find the points to the left of $0$, which the first 6 $x$-values and $f(x)$'s are the following: $$\begin{matrix} x & &f(x) \\ .1 & (1+(.1))^\frac{1}{(.1)} &2.593742\\ .01 & (1+(.01))^\frac{1}{(.01)} &2.704814\\ .001 & (1+(.001))^\frac{1}{(.001)} &2.716942\\ .0001 & (1+(.0001))^\frac{1}{(.0001)} &2.718146\\ .00001 & (1+(.00001))^\frac{1}{(.00001)} &2.718268\\ .000001 & (1+(.000001))^\frac{1}{(.000001)} &2.718280 \end{matrix}$$ Therefore, the official hole, or undefined point is at $$(0,e)$$
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