Calculus (3rd Edition)

Published by W. H. Freeman
ISBN 10: 1464125260
ISBN 13: 978-1-46412-526-3

Chapter 1 - Precalculus Review - 1.1 Real Numbers, Functions, and Graphs - Exercises - Page 11: 72


The required graphs are as follows:

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The function shifts horizontally if $x$ is replaced by $x+b$ in the function. When $b>0$ then, the displacement will be on the left side by $b$ units while if $b<0$, then, displacement will be to the right by $-b$ units. When variable $x$ is replaced by $b\cdot x$, then, function horizontally compresses or stretches depending upon $b$. If $b>1$, then, there will be horizontal compression while if $01$, then, it stretches while if $0
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