Statistics (12th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321755936
ISBN 13: 978-0-32175-593-3

Chapter 2 - Methods for Describing Sets of Data - Exercises 2.22 - 2.43 - Applying the Concepts - Basic - Page 47: 2.35b



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A score of 86 or higher is deemed as acceptable. Using the stem-and-leaf display produced in part (a), it will be easer to count the items lower than $86:$ - there is one item with the stem $6$ (representing the score $69)$ - there are three items with the stem $7$ (representing scores $73,74,78),$ - there are three items with the stem $8$, (representing scores $83,84,84)$, There are $1+3+3=7$ ships with unacceptable sanitation standards. All other items represent passing scores. The proportion of ships with acceptable sanitation standards is $\displaystyle \frac{186-7}{186}=0.9624$
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