By using the method of descriptive statistics, the graph summarizes the data to compare the Swedish society in 1750 and 2010 on the numbers of men and women of various ages.
a. According to the data collected from the population parameter, comparing the population between 1750 and 2010, the population who has lived above 60 years in 2010 is a lot higher than in 1750.
b. According to the bars from the graph, the number of men and women of various ages in 2010 is higher than in 2010.
c. According to the graph, the number of women who have lived for 80 years old in 2010 and above are 300 thousands while the men have only 200 thousands. Therefore we can infer that there were more female than male in 2010 of those who were considered very old.
d. From the graph, the longest bars are associated with the 45-49 age group.