Fundamentals of Biochemistry: Life at the Molecular Level 5th Edition

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1118918401
ISBN 13: 978-1-11891-840-1

Chapter 4 - Amino Acids - Exercises - Page 95: 21


--->Tyrosine is an amino acid contains aromatic ring in its structure, ---> Aromatic rings are unsaturated hydrocarbons and its very well known that hydrocarbons are non polar in nature, ---> As we know that " Like dissolves like" and here, Aromatic ring of tyrosine increasing its non-polar character. Therefore Tyrosine amino acid are more soluble in less polar solvents such as Methanol, ethanol as compared to very highly polar water. ---> As in question its is given that tyrosine amino acid is barely soluble in water, because water is very polar solvent and tyrsoine amino acid is not highly polar in such extent. ---> Generally peptides are polar highly in nature. but as we will increase the number of tyrosine amino acids in peptide, area of non-polar part of peptide will increase (due to the increase of aromatic ring) and therefore the non-polar nature of peptide will increase. And this non-polar nature of peptide will make them more soluble in non-polar solvent and decrease its solubility in water (because water is polar in nature).

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--->Tyrosine is an amino acid contains aromatic ring in its structure, ---> Aromatic rings are unsaturated hydrocarbons and its very well known that hydrocarbons are non polar in nature, ---> As we know that " Like dissolves like" and here, Aromatic ring of tyrosine increasing its non-polar character. Therefore Tyrosine amino acid are more soluble in less polar solvents such as Methanol, ethanol as compared to very highly polar water. ---> As in question its is given that tyrosine amino acid is barely soluble in water, because water is very polar solvent and tyrsoine amino acid is not highly polar in such extent. ---> Generally peptides are polar highly in nature. but as we will increase the number of tyrosine amino acids in peptide, area of non-polar part of peptide will increase (due to the increase of aromatic ring) and therefore the non-polar nature of peptide will increase. And this non-polar nature of peptide will make them more soluble in non-polar solvent and decrease its solubility in water (because water is polar in nature).
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