The Children's Book Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What are the two main themes in The Children's Book by A. S. Byatt?

    Parenting and family emerge as the primary themes in this book. Olive Wellwood’s family is a depiction of the modern society where both parents are different professions and at the same time are supposed to take care of their families. Olive is a busy woman and she has dedicated much of her time to her profession. Since she has a busy schedule, she has dedicated her children to their aunt, Violet. The distance between Olive and her children increases because they are taking Violet as their biological mother. The kids’ father, Humphry, is also a busy man who is not close to the children making him a stranger to his kids. Due to this poor parenting, the children have grown apart and the distance between them and their parents has greatly amplified. Olive Wellwood's family paints a picture of the modern society where parents pay more attention to their professions rather than creating a balance to spend time with the children.

  2. 2

    Why is Humphry behaving strangely towards his wife, Olive?

    Humphry is not happy with his wife's accomplishments. Olive is a skillful author and she has made great strides in literature. Olive is recognized everywhere and she makes more money than her husband, Humphry. Therefore, Humphry is jealous of his wife, and that is why he is behaving strangely towards her. For instance, he accuses her of neglecting the family and dedicating much time to her profession. Additionally, he is secretly cheating on her with another woman.

  3. 3

    What compels the author to portray the Fabian Society as reputable?

    The Fabian Society is keen on preserving its reputation in everything it does. For instance, every character in this book is focused on keeping his repute. Olive's neighbors are busy holding parties to show their worth and the competition becomes intense as time goes by. The community is deeply engaged in art and the crafting of political ideals. However, Olive is an exception in this society when it comes to preserving the traditions. She is an absent mother and spends most of her time doing her writings. Most people are attracted to buying her books because it has the title, 'Children's Book'. However, the irony is that she is ever absenting as a mother.

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