The City Jilt Characters

The City Jilt Character List


This girl is spoiled and expects a large inheritance from her father's death, but she gets nothing, and she can't help but feel victimized by that. Then when she is misled by a young man into having sex with him, she begins to plan her revenge, but not against specific people. She wants revenge against life itself, so she punishes innocent people for things they had no part in.


Laphelia is a yes-man who stands with Glicera's decisions, always blindly supporting her, even when what she is doing is morally wrong or stupid. This creates an echo-chamber where whatever Glicera says gets immediate validation and support, so Laphelia is enabling Glicera's bad decisions.


Melladore is a wealthy, attractive guy who uses Glicera for sex. She believes that if she had more money, then Melladore might have loved her. By the end of the story, Melladore's mortgage from the bank is stolen by Glicera.


This old man is rich and powerful, and when Glicera asks him to help her steal Melladore's mortgage from the bank, he figures out a way to make it happen. But in the end, Glicera bitterly reveals that she has been using Grubguard the whole time, and that she doesn't like him whatsoever. Apparently, Glicera takes her anger out on Grubguard, but Grubguard isn't who she's really mad at.

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