The City Jilt Literary Elements

The City Jilt Literary Elements


Sensational romantic novel

Setting and Context

The novel is set in the early 17th century in the context of love.

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Heartbreaking, hopeless, humorous

Protagonist and Antagonist

Glicera is the protagonist of the story.

Major Conflict

The main conflict is that Glicera becomes the victim of circumstances when her father dies. For instance, she fails to get her inheritance which she was looking up to. Her hopes of good love and life vanish into thin air.


The climax comes when Glicera becomes a hopeless woman with no actual happenings. She expresses her frustrations by pretending she is in love with Melladore, but she intends to extort his finances to fulfil her lust for wealth.


His blind love towards her foreshadows Melladore's regrets after losing his money to Glicera.


Love is understated in the text. The reader realizes that romance is not all about genuine love, but it can be faked for an individual’s interests.


The story alludes to life frustrations when expectations are not met.


The imagery of betrayal is evident throughout the book, which helps readers see how Glicera fakes her love for Melladore just to steal from him. The imagery also helps readers comprehend the frustrations that Glicera goes through after she realizes that her expectations could not be achieved.


The main paradox is that Glicera expects a huge sum of inheritance after her father's death to enable her to lead a spoilt and luxurious life. Ironically, Glicera inherits nothing, and she is left frustrated.


There is parallelism between Melladore’s love for Glicera and her intentions in the relationship.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



Wealth is personified as the only way a person can be happy.

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