The Couple Next Door Background

The Couple Next Door Background

The Couple Next Door is a 2016 thriller novel by Shari Lapena, a former lawyer and English teacher turned acclaimed writer. Fast-paced and gripping, it involves a strange abduction, characters hiding dark secrets, and a riveting twist that make Lapena's first novel an incredible phenomenon to witness.

The plot is simple: a couple leaves their six month old baby at home to go to their neighbor's house, to come back and discover the unthinkable: their child is missing. The following wild goose chase of a police investigation reveals more than anyone would have ever guessed. It is not only outsiders that are a threat... but people inside the home, and even within the couple's relationship.

The Couple Next Door is an enthralling and captivating novel that is crammed full of mystery, suspense, and thrills. It showcases the very talent that made Lapena a contender for the Goodreads Choice Awards. Since its publication in 2016, it has gone on to become a New York Times and international bestseller.

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