The Couple Next Door Characters

The Couple Next Door Character List

Anne Contis

Anne is one of the major characters in the story. She is a new mother who gave birth to a now 6 months old Cora. Anne is a very fragile, innocent woman, who trusts people quickly and believes any lie. She got postpartum depression, which has affected her relationship with her husband. Anne is not a confident woman; she always compares herself to others and believes that she is fat, ugly, and not a good, responsible mother. She dislikes her neighbor, Cynthia, because she always feels that Cynthia is better than her. Also, Cynthia keeps flirting with Anne's husband and in the party they had, she has made sexual advances to Marco, Anne's husband. Later in the story, it is known that Anne has a condition where, under extremely stressful conditions, she loses feelings of reality and gets a temporary amnesia, where she does something, possibly harmful, and doesn't remember what it is. This eventually leads Anne to believe that she might have killed her baby accidentally. She has very rich parents who have always helped her and her husband live in a decent house and establish a business.

Marco Contis

Marco is Anne's husband and one of the most important characters in the story. He starts a small business for designing and it gets bigger when his father-in-law loans him a huge amount of money. Marco seems to love his wife and children and would do anything to make them happy. Unfortunately, he is involved in a fake kidnapping idea, where he and an accomplice will falsely kidnap Marco's baby, Cora, and ask for ransom from Anne's parents. He will split the money eventually with his accomplice. That way, he will be able to save his business again. His plan suddenly doesn't go well and he gets discovered. He regrets the idea and eventually admits to Anne his crime. Marco is hated by Anne's parents and he also dislikes them, but they remain in a mutual relationship for Anne and Cora. Marco later suspects Anne's father and turns out to be true, and he apologizes greatly to his wife. Marco is a loving man, yet he was easily swayed by someone into committing a treacherous crime of kidnapping his own daughter.


Cynthia is Anne and Marco's neighbor. She lives right beside them and was one of Anne's very good friends until Anne gave birth. Cynthia hates kids and has a perfect body and beauty that she uses to lure any man she wants. She tried several times to flirt with Marco and advances him sexually in her party. The party she held was at night celebrating Graham's (her husband) birthday. She told them to not bring Cora because she hates them, and it turns out that she has done that as part of a complex plan made up by Richard Dries, Anne's father, who turns out to be having a secret affair with her. She blackmails Marco, where she has a video of him having Cora and giving her to his accomplice in his garage. Finally, Anne kills her when Anne goes to Cynthia's house one day to tell her that blackmailing Marco is futile. Anne gets in that state of losing reality and kills her without being aware of it.

Derek Honig (Bruce Neeland)

Derek is the man who Richard Dries hired to falsely befriend Marco and lure him into asking money from Richard, and when Richard refuses, Derek will suggest kidnapping Cora. He successfully becomes Marco's accomplice and is all the time under the name 'Bruce Neeland'. He is killed by Richard in an alleged attempt to double-cross Richard and take all the money.

Richard Dries

Anne's father and the mastermind behind the kidnapping plan. He wanted to do all of this to get his wife's money because most of the money was hers. He made Marco the main victim and the one who people should believe was the criminal. Throughout the novel, he tries more and more to make Anne hate her husband and divorce him because he detested Marco and found him a failure. Richard had a secret affair with Cynthia.

Alice Dries

Alice is Anne's mother and a very rich woman. She notices that her husband is having an affair and hires a private detective to track her husband. She finds out that he has an affair with Cynthia, and the tracker leads the police to the fact that Richard killed Derek and is possibly the mastermind of the kidnapping. Alice goes to the police one day after Cora is back and tells them everything about her husband, and how he is still with her because of her money only.

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