The Crystal Cave Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Crystal Cave Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Crystal Cave

The Crystal Cave is a symbol of time and comprehension, since the Crystal Cave Merlin can see backwards and forwards in time. It is a place that offers him excitement when he first starts to learn from Galapas and experiences his first vision. He sees the present of what is happening in the palace when he sees his mother and Camlach at the foot of his grandfather’s deathbed. In time Merlin begins to tell of the future. He sees the cave as his home, the one constant in his life as time is constant in everyone’s life. When Ambrosius is crowned King, Merlin feels the pull of the cave calling him back to where he should be. He only ventures away from it, when summoned by the King, first Ambrosius and then Uther. The cave is his sanctuary where he can traverse through time.

The Red Dragon

The Red Dragon is a symbol of freedom from tyranny for the people of Britain. They see the coming of Ambrosius and his emblem, the Red Dragon, as a sign of hope for a better future and just hearing of his coming run to join his army. The people are tired of the High King bringing the Saxons into fight any rebellion in the kingdom. The Saxons are invaders to their country and they do not think the king should allow them to assault their country and leave it in ruins. The Red Dragon brings them peace and restoration of their cities and their lives. They are proud to stand with him and oust the invaders from their shores. With the rule of Ambrosius, the country begins to flourish as it did under his brother’s rule. The people can travel more freely without being accosted and can enjoy their lives.

The Giants’ Dance

The Giants’ Dance is a symbol of the mystical. The giant stones are from a time long past and people do not know how or why the stones were placed in the circles. The stones are so huge that it seems as impossible feat to have gotten them to the place let alone raise them up on end. Because Merlin is able to figure out how this could be done and is able to fix the stones that have fallen, he is seen as a mystic. Merlin uses mathematics and engineering to complete the monument to King Ambrosius. He makes a place fit to the honor his father and King.

The King Stone

The King Stone is a symbol of the future. By bringing the King Stone back to Britain, Merlin ensures that the British kingdom will not fail, but will prosper and flourish. He tells Ambrosius that as long as the King lies under the stone the Kingdom shall not fall. The stone is the heart of Britain. It will beat on long after the King is gone and will bring with it a King who will be remembered for all time.

The Falcon

The Falcon is a symbol of knowledge. Merlin follows the Falcon and finds the cave from his visions. It leads him to the secret door and allows him to understand his vision and this helps him later when Vortigern attempts to build his fortress on the spot and it keep cracking. Merlin is able to save his life by showing the King the cave and telling him what he needs to do. The falcon stays with Merlin until he learns of his grandfather’s death. This event throws his life in turmoil and Merlin must use all his wits to escape his home and embrace his future. He can only prosper if he seeks knowledge and lets no attachments stand in his way.

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