The Crystal Cave Themes

The Crystal Cave Themes


War is a theme of the novel. The Britons are constantly fighting to maintain their way of life. Invaders can come from any side. Because the current King attained his throne by murder, he must always be on the lookout for any threat. The people do not like him because he has taken a Saxon wife and uses Saxon mercenaries to police the people. The Saxons were invaders of their country that were ousted and now the King readily invites them back. The King’s sons do not like this and openly declare war on their father. Their coup does not succeed.

The people rally around the rightful heir to the throne when he returns to Britain. They are willing to fight with him and against their King because they do not see that he represents or helps his people. His reason for being king if for power. Ambrosius wants to return Britain to its glory and oust the Saxons for good. Fighting is the only way to reclaim the land for the people of Britain and they are ready to give their lives for it.

Succession of Kings

Succession is a theme in The Crystal Cave. Vortigern did not follow the line of succession, but murdered the King and took the kingdom from Ambrosius who was too young to fight. He and Uther had to escape to Brittany where they took refuge with King Budec. There they plotted their revenge for twenty years waiting for the perfect time to return and take their rightful kingdom. Vortigern’s sons not liking how their father looks to the Saxons to solve his problems, attempt to take the kingdom by force. They fail, but it is enough to make Vortigern’s hold on the kingdom unstable and a perfect time for Ambrosius to claim his throne as High King.

The people readily join Ambrosius’ forces because they see him as the rightful King of Britain. He quickly kills Vortigern and his wife before turning his attention to the Saxon invaders that Voritgern let roam the country freely doing as they pleased. Once they are defeated, Ambrosius is pronounced king and the rightful succession is returned to the throne. He begins the rebuilding of cities that the Saxons destroyed and the people once again become proud of their country.


Merlin does not understand his precognition or how to use it. When he sees his first vision in The Crystal Cave, he is confused and does not know how it pertains to his life. He cannot control when he gets visions or their outcome. Watching the visions of his grandfather’s death and the death of Cerdic, saves his life for he is able to sneak back into the palace without being seen and gather his belongings. The visions help lead him to where he needs to be in his life and what he needs to do.

Merlin fears his visions in the beginning. He does not know what he says in the midst of a vision and is confused when people look at him strangely. Ambrosius sees this as a gift that sets Merlin apart. Merlin sees it as something that alienates him and makes people uncomfortable. His visions lead him to help Uther to commit adultery so that King Arthur will be born to become the greatest King of Britain.


Power is important to the people. It is the only way to obtain one’s goals. Power is taken in whatever form that is available. Ambrosius sees Merlin’s precognition as power. He will use him any way he can to obtain this power. He tells Merlin to use people in power in whatever way he can. This pursuit leads Ambrosius to reclaim his throne and be crowned King of Britain.

The pursuit of power leads Vortigern to kill the High King and take his kingdom. To retain it, he is willing to kill Merlin and use his blood to fortify his fortress because his holy people tell him this will make it strong. Power also leads Vortigern’s sons to rebel against him and fight their father’s forces for the throne. Merlin’s uncle, Camlach, is willing to kill the young boy so that he cannot pose a threat to his succession as the King of South Wales. He fears that Merlin’s father will return and depose him as the heir. After his failed attempt to kill Merlin, he tells Merlin to keep away from him and makes plans to educate him so Merlin can go to the monastery when he is older.


Merlin’s mother is a devote Christian. She feels that her life is best served by serving God. The Kingdom has banished the Druid practice of its ancestors and adopted Christianity, which was brought to the island by the Romans. The Druids must practice in secret. Merlin does not practice Christianity or with the Druids. He feels that his life is guided by Mithra, the god of light. Ambrosius’ kingdom officially is a Christian kingdom, but Ambrosius and his men also perform the ancient rites for Mithra.

Merlin sees Christianity as the uniting force of the Kingdom. It will be the strength behind Arthur’s throne. Merlin sees all religions as connected and that the God of Christianity can be the god of all religions. Religion is important. In a battle, each side believes that God is on their side and that they will win. The winner can justify that their fight is righteous because they won.

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