The Da Vinci Code Characters

The Da Vinci Code Character List

Robert Langdon

Robert Langdon is a famous professor of religious iconology and symbology from Harvard University. He is said to be writing a book on the supposedly controversial topic of feminine divinity titled Symbols of the Lost Sacred Feminine. He was supposed to meet Jacques Saunière, the curator of the Louvre Museum, at the night of the latter's murder resulting in him being accused as the prime suspect. The book focuses on the man hunt after Robert Langdon as he tries to find out the real murderer and solve the mystery he is bequeathed with.

Langdon is also claustrophobic, a result of an accident back in his childhood. He is often seen wearing a Mickey Mouse watch and Harris Tweed jacket. He is of a docile nature and very rarely rarely resorts to violence.

Sophie Neveu

Sophie Neveu is the granddaughter of Jaques Sauniere, and a very accomplished cryptographic working with the police, and is able to comprehend her grandfather's clues that point to the real perpetrator. She has a great attitude for solving puzzles which her grandfather employs to prepare for an event where she has to be presented the truth of her origin. She is a quick thinker and a natural leader. In the climax, it is revealed that she, along with her estranged brother, is a descendant of Jesus Christian and Mary Magdalene, and was being protected by Priory of Sion, an organization made by the last Knights of Templar to protect the line of Jesus Christ.

Sophie is not on talking terms with her grandfather as she witnessed him in a religious sexual act which she misunderstood as an orgy. As the plot progresses, she comes to realize her grandfather's role as the grandmaster of Priory of Sion.

Bezu Fache

Bezu Fache is the over-zealous police captain who misunderstands Jaques Saunere's last message and implicates Robert Langdon in his murder. He is called 'The Bull' by his subordinates for his tough demeanor. He is also very religious. He is arrogant and persistent. He is said to have wasted a lot of department's money in hi-tech surveillance and hence is on a radar for over-expenditure and thus hopes to rescue himself out of the situation by hoping to get evidence using his surveillance equipment.

Sir. Leigh Teabing / The Teacher

Sir Leigh Teabing is a British historian and lives in France in his search of the Holy Grail. He provides refuge to Robert and Sophie as they escape Bezu Fache. He proves to be a powerful ally as he helps them escape the country in his private jet and provides them with information that proves to be useful in their quest till his identity as the Teacher is revealed. He is a patient of polio and can't walk without his metal crutches which he often uses to his advantage to gain sympathy and pose as a harmless victim.

Bishop Aringarosa

Bishop Aringarosa is the worldwide head of the notorious Christian sect, Opus Dei. He is radical in his thoughts and holds church at fault for the decreasing popularity of Christianity. He is a religious and pious person but believes in rigorous following of the religion which involves the practice of corporal mortification. He provided refuge to Silas when he was wounded and helpless and thus earned his devotion. He is revealed to be in a secret deal with the Teacher in order to deliver the Holy Grail which he uses to control the church. When he realizes the true intentions of the Teacher he repents and rushes to save Silas and gets wounded as a result.


Silas is a monk in Opus Dei. He is a religious and stern practitioner of the ways of Opus Dei and performs self-loathing as well as binding of a metal cilice around his thigh, rather excessively. He is an albino and thus became a cause for his father to abuse his mother. He later killed his father and lived the life of a homeless person. After killing a couple of times, he was imprisoned and miraculously escaped when the prison walls were destroyed in an earthquake which led Aringarosa to name him Silas later when he was found by the Bishop. Aringarosa recruiters him as an assassin to the Teacher unknowingly as when he feels Opus Dei to be threatened by the Church.

Remy Legaludec

Remy is the personal butler of Sir Leigh Teabing but is also used as muscle by Teabing for his escapades as Teacher. Remy is a petty thief and was recruited by Teabing to do his leg work. Remy suffers from a severe peanut allergy which Teabing uses to murder him later in the book.

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