The Da Vinci Code Metaphors and Similes

The Da Vinci Code Metaphors and Similes

Сhocolate for the ears (Metaphor)

There is nothing more pleasant to hear than interesting useful and intriguing lectures, especially if they are read by Robert Langdon. His female students admire his lectures as much as him, that even came up with a special description for his voice. They say that his “unusually low, baritone speaking voice” is like "chocolate for the ears". Oh, lucky you, go on in the same vein, Professor Langdon!

Million-dollar question (Metaphor)

There cannot be anything more important than question with such evaluation. Or more difficult, for example the one for which there is no answer. According to Leigh Teabing, the example of this type of question is about “your position on the Priory of Sion”.

Taking care of cryptex (Simile)

This is not surprising that such a brittle and extremely important thing as cryptex needs attention as much as a child. So, Langdon wrapped the tweed coat around it and “held in his arms like a baby”, when there was a need to move the cryptex into a new place.

Angel (Simile)

Silas, who is categorical in his belief about good and evil, was said to be “white as an angel”. Therefore, it became typical for Silas to belief in the sanctity of his deeds. Unfortunately, that comparison was more likely about his skin, not of behavior, and he understood it too late.

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