A comic short story
Setting and Context
The events take place in Eden from Eve’s creation up to her burial.
Narrator and Point of View
The story is told from the first-person point of view mostly by Eve.
Tone and Mood
Though the tone is humorous; the mood is slightly gloomy.
Protagonist and Antagonist
Eve and Adam are the protagonists. It is possible to assume that the snake is the antagonist.
Major Conflict
The major conflict is person vs. obstacles. Eve suffers from terrible loneliness which she tries to overcome.
The Fall is the climax of the story.
“This morning found the new creature trying to clod apples out of that forbidden tree” (Adam about Eve. It is clear from the very beginning where that Eve’s fondness of apples is going to lead them.)
“When they first showed, last night, I tried to knock some down with a pole, but it didn't reach, which astonished me; then I tried clods till I was all tired out, but I never got one.”
Eve tries to reach the stars. She is too young to understand how far they are.
The diaries allude to Bible.
Images of stars, flowers, and beauty, in general, could be found in the text.
“It was against my principles, but I find that principles have no real force except when one is well fed….”
Metonymy and Synecdoche
“The moon got loose light night and fell out of the scheme.”