The Feminine Mystique Literary Elements

The Feminine Mystique Literary Elements



Setting and Context

USA in the end of XX century

Narrator and Point of View


Tone and Mood

A story filled with a lot of descriptions and arguments, scientifically and vitally proven by women

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist of the story a woman who does her obligations in a proper way and fights for free choice, and antagonist is a man who drives the opposite sex in domestic corner for his own profits

Major Conflict

The major conflict stands between women and men, women and society who tries to keep them aside from the world problems


Occurs when the problem of women happened to be said out loud, and became massive


Readers expect to observe big conflict between feminine and society, but fortunately publicity steps aside and lets women win their rights


The author doesn`t say about a number of women who supported this stream.The number is more massive that we can just imagine


The text alludes to famous psychologist Sigmund Freun and his ideas, to the World War II


The number of housewives diminished now, and we can imagine what was the era of housekeeping women


What is the cost of persons dreams and emotional gush. How one sex can prevail over other in the aim of standing stable and comfortable


The author draws a parallel line between a woman free in choice and a woman who is confused with the public stereotypes and choose it as a right lifestyle even though she is not completely satisfied with her life

Metonymy and Synecdoche



Feminism personifies the strength of women’s character under any circumstances

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