The Feminine Mystique Metaphors and Similes

The Feminine Mystique Metaphors and Similes

The greatest source of unused brainpower (Simile)

Denoting women as personalities not less smart than men the author emphasizes that women cannot be left on the back side. They have the same importance in the world of science, business, and study. While they are sitting in home they could help to solve a lot of vital problems, using their brain power together with men. Like in the story the “feminine mystique” it was a right choice to struggle for being involved in usual life, as long as we need women`s brain equal as men’s.

The second Sex (Metaphor)

There is no first or second sex. There is just two different sexes, whose living doesn't exist without each other. They are of the same importance, and the same equality. This problem happened in the 20th century and women were strong enough to prove that if they only stay home with usual home work, their role will become less visible. There are kinds of job that belong to men, and other type for women. When it become popular trend in America to be housewife society appreciable felt the role of women, in particular nursing, social, and teaching professions. Calling the women the second sex is outrageous, women have proved they deserve to stand with men side by side.

Adjustment to the feminine role (Metaphor)

It was not easy for every American woman by that time to adjust to this role of a housewife. But this stamp was so widespread that any women was scared to say it loud not to be judged by others. It is always hard to go against the flow, but sometimes it worth that. So in “feminine mystique” women gathered to show their important role in society and overcame this mark of a housewife of every American or other woman.

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