The Fixer Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How is the theme of injustice discussed in the novel?

    The novel, on the surface at least, is a period story and is openly critical of the Tsarist regime. Careful reading of the novel however also reveals the author’s own negative sentiments towards the Russian government at the time of the novel’s writing--during the height of the Cold War. This outrage against totalitarian establishments is voiced out primarily through Yakov, the eponymous fixer, as he endures the series of unfortunate events throughout the progression of the novel. Injustice, as the author posits, is a largely systemic social problem--an unfortunate reality really--that is not only here to stay but one with no clear solution in sight.

  2. 2

    Are there any biblical allusions in the novel? Support your answers.

    There is an obvious allusion to Jesus Christ in the form of Yakov. Both Jesus and Yakov are Jewish carpenters and Yakov, like Jesus, also wrongfully accused of crimes he didn’t commit. Yakov also responds in a manner similar to Jesus, offering no resistance, no arguments for his defense. In addition to the obvious allusion to Jesus there is also a less obvious reference to the nation of Israel and Christianity/Christians as a whole in the form of Yakov’s unfaithful wife; unfaithful wives being a commonly used in Jewish and Christian culture for the nature of man’s relationship with God. In a similar fashion again, Yakov responds in a uniquely “divine” fashion: showing unconditional love and forgiveness towards his wife.

  3. 3

    What did Yakov mean when he said: …there is no such thing as an apolitical man, especially a Jew…?

    This remark is an observation of anti-Semitic behavior that always seems to follow the Jewish people regardless of time and regardless of place. For reasons that we may never fully understand Jews will draw the wrath of the majority--so much so that Yakov is prompted to blame his Jewish heritage as the primary cause for all his woes. He is selected to be the fall guy to answer for the crime simply because he is a Jew. This outcry is also related to the theme of injustice as these crimes are unfairly treated purely because of their religious and cultural practices.

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