The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden Analysis

The Garden of Eden is one of Hemingway's later novels, along with "Dangerous Summer." But if the latter is imbued with the spirit of the former bullfight and skillful torrero, then "Paradise Garden" is a novel about love and falling ideals, the art of narration and creative rebirth.

So unaccustomed to the novice readers, and so nostalgically familiar to the admirers of Hemingway's creativity, the writer's style gradually prepares to the horrific tragedy - both aesthetic and moral - as the narrative prepares. Hemingway predisposes the reader to David's personality by deliberately sharpened movements of his pen, deliberately creating a controversial and contradictory image Katherine. His manipulation of feelings and moods by readers is simply amazing.

The oppressive sense of a tragic story becomes more and more perceptible until Hemingway opens the door completely to unpretentious reality ... And only then, once again experiencing a creative revival, comes the realization that "the present can only be once" ...

The novel is interesting and leaves ambiguous feelings, on the one hand it seems that everything turned out "right", the hero eventually remained with a reasonable, understanding girl, and on the other hand David, Katherine and Marita became very confused and, after making a series of mistakes that entailed The burning of manuscripts and the break, happy at the beginning of marriage, go through unpleasant trials.

Most of all I'm touched by Catherine. This crazy, bright, unusual girl, from the very beginning seemed a happy and exemplary wife, turns into a real devil. Perhaps this is due to the desire to attract David's attention, to force him to devote more time to her. It is the complete opposite of the boring, satiated sweet, but rational Marita. Here between them the protagonist is torn, both of which excite his mind, reunion and harmony with himself he finds only when he writes his stories.

The meeting of the young couple and Marita in the cafe was not accidental, the tension between the spouses was already growing steadily. David was embarrassed by the reincarnation of a young wife and her sometimes strange desire to behave like a boy. The new girl was given the role of some revival in their relationship, but from an innocuous game, everything turned into big and deep feelings, which led to very different consequences, which the spouses initially counted on.

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