The Garden of Eden Characters

The Garden of Eden Character List

Catherine Bourne

Catherine is maybe one of the amazing female characters that Hemingway has ever thought of. It is anything but difficult to reject her as essentially the cliché ruined, rich young lady that lashes out at the world as a result of uncertain youth issues. She tries to cover her weaknesses about being a lady by overwhelming her new spouse. Catherine likely felt that by accepting a to some degree more manly part, she would by one means or another free herself. Lamentably, she really winds up settling on one silly decision after another sending her pitching into implosion. Does she pulverize her marriage, as well as she winds up distancing the two individuals who watched over her.

David Bourne

David is the novel's lead male character . He endured the worst part of the castrating treatment they got from ladies with a to some degree stoic latency. In any case , David is additionally fairly not quite the same as his artistic siblings in that he doesn't appear to have qualities that Hemingway wanted to inject into his saints , for example , having bravery despite affliction , or basically playing a more proactive part in his life.Then once more , this thought is maybe predicated on the possibility that David was intended to be the novel's hero just on the grounds that he was the most created male character.


The novel's incomplete nature is maybe most obvious in the portrayal of Marita . While Catherine is sensibly fleshed out to such an extent that her activities are steady with her character , Marita appears to be more similar to a plot gadget than a real character. The Bournes meet Marita in a little nearby shop and her name isn't specified until her third appearance. She is a youthful, delightful, tanned Italian lady with an abundance measure of cash. At first, Marita is depicted as a blameless ingenue that is regularly reluctant to even somewhat repudiate Catherine. As the story advances , we discover that she isn't as guiltless as exhibited particularly in the region of sexual closeness. Besides, Marita inconspicuously influences David to address who is responsible for the Bourne's marriage. The peruser is given little knowledge with reference to how Marita changed so drastically as the story advanced, and it appears that she just changed so Hemingway could encourage his account .

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