The Gathering Characters

The Gathering Character List

Veronica Hegarty

She is the main protagonist of the story and also presented as an unreliable narrator due to her blurred memory of the events of her childhood. She is thirty-nine and is married with two children. She lives in a middle-class family but she is not happy. Her brother Liam’s death causes her to question everything that matters in her life.

Liam Hegarty

He is the brother of Veronica and the one she was closest to. The two had many happy memories together which was why it was such a shock to learn of his suicide. He was a lovable child but due to traumatic events of his child that affected him throughout his life, he became troubled and an alcoholic.

Ada Merriman

She is Veronica and Liam’s grandmother. She looked after the children when their mother could not but was a neglectful guardian to them as well. She was in the past, a prostitute, as suspected by Veronica.

Lambert Nugent

Lambert is the main antagonist of the story. He is Ada’s lover, and often visited the house when the children were there. He is also a sexual predator and sexually abused Liam, and possible, Veronica as well, when they were only children.

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