The Gathering Themes

The Gathering Themes

Family Secrets

Although Liam's alcoholism is not a secret within the family, it soon becomes obvious that although the family are quite closely connected, they do not really know each other particularly well. It is not until Veronica starts to look more deeply into her ancestral history that she realizes how troubled her family actually is, and how it has been this way for several generations. This theme really emphasizes the concept of secrets within a family that seem quite open with each other, and suggesting that however well we think we know our family members their lives can still keep secrets from us.


Liam has a drink problem. This is well known within the family. Veronica starts to wonder if it stems from his time with their grandmother at her home, because she does not recall him struggling with addiction prior to that. The theme deals with the reasons behind someone's addiction to alcohol and also to their refusal to do anything about it. Liam is not happy as an alcoholic, but does not foresee a life that excludes drinking. The theme also shows how often the family members of alcoholics feel as though they are watching their relative unraveling from the sidelines without the power or ability to help.


Liam's suicide was not a cry for help that went to far; nobody who wanders into the choppy ocean waters off the coast of Brighton would imagine that they might be saved in the nick of time. His death was purposeful and probably the only thing he had any control of in years. The theme of suicide in some ways drives the book, because it is Liam's action in taking his own life that brings the family together for his wake in the first place, unlocking the door to the uncomfortable truths of their own lives by doing so.

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