The Hate U Give

The Hate U Give Imagery

Khalil's shooting

Khalil's shooting is described in tense language that emphasizes the terror and horror of the situation. Blood is described as spraying from Khalil's body as he jerks around; his eyes go lifeless when he passes away. The minimalist description, coupled with horrific imagery, clearly conveys the tragedy of the situation.

Chris's house

Chris's house is described with lavish adjectives; great attention is given to the paintings, furniture, and details of the large house. This detailed description conveys to the reader the extent of Chris's wealth and makes the contrast between Starr's house, and thus her background and experiences, very prominent. For example, Starr points out that her Garden Heights house could actually fit inside of Chris's house.

the riots

The riots on Magnolia are described using rich, descriptive language; the fire envelops the store like a sun, and the popping of objects hurled by the police reminds Starr of the Fourth of July. This language, in which the actions of the riots are compared to loud and intense things like the sun and fireworks, emphasizes the intensity of the emotions that surround the protests.

Emmett Till

The description of Emmett Till's body as so mutilated that people were not able to recognize him at first highlights the depravity of his death. Till's death in 1955 was only one in a series of racist killings that were truly horrific; race-based killings continue into the present; Khalil's fictional death has parallels in recent events in the U.S. By describing the extent of the damage to Till's body, the novel conveys the brutality of such senseless killings.

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