The film revolves around a pageant where each district gives up a male and female to enter a match for survival against each other. This aptly named contest encourages tributes to hone a specific skill that they think is unique to them. In first few minutes of the film, we see Katniss hunting a deer and showing her bow skills This imagery hints the audience about which weapon and which method Katniss will use to her advantage in the coming ordeal.
Class Difference
The movie starts by showing us two men, wearing lavish and expensive clothes, discussing the importance of hunger games. Later on, we see capital personnel, Effie Trinket, who has come to announce the tributes and again we see her dressed in expensive and superfluous clothing. The imagery of the capital people and the people of district twelve are polar opposites of each other. This imagery conveys the underlying theme that the districts aren’t as well kept and the government is taking more than it is giving.
When Effie Trinket first comes up to the mic, a film recounting the war and the reason for the hunger games is shown. Just as the informational video is about to end, we are shown Effie reciting the words along with the video to herself. This imagery shows us how blindly some have accepted the government’s idea of the hunger games.
During the arrival of Peeta and Katniss to the capital, we see people gathering near the train cheering. And a few scenes later, we are again shown imagery of people cheering and clapping as the tributes ride through in their chariots. This imagery signifies how every person from the capital has disregarded the lives of the tributes as nothing more than entertainment. So far so that the tributes even have to dress up to get sponsors before their death match.
Comfort Zone
After their fire dress stunt, Katniss and Peeta are told as they are district twelve, they are given the penthouse. There we see Katniss amazed at the interior and luxury of the penthouse. But we are then shown Katniss changing the tv screen to that of a forest, to which she starts walking towards slowly. This imagery signifies how Katniss feels more comfortable in the forest than the penthouse. Also slightly reminding us of Katniss’s strength lies in the forest.