The Lacuna Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is Harrison obsessed with his life?

    The life of Harrison is a painful experience of neglect from his parents. While Harrison was growing up as a young child, Harrison's parents were preoccupied with their works and satisfaction leaving him to maneuver and discover himself. Harrison's mother could provide for his physical needs, but emotionally, she was absent. On the other hand, Harrison's father did not have time for him because he decided to take him to a far boarding school. As Harrison grew up, he concluded that his parents neglected him because he was inconveniencing them. Therefore, Harrison learned from the people around him. Consequently, he became obsessed with his life because he wants to know who he is.

  2. 2

    The theme of infidelity is prevalent throughout the book. Do you agree with this statement after reading the book The Lacuna?

    Throughout Harrison's life, he sees unfaithfulness and extra-marital affairs as part of life. For instance, Harrison's parents are divorced, and each is seeing multiple partners. While living with his mother, Harrison realizes that his mother is a mistress to married men. On the other hand, the father is seeing other women. When Harrison lives with Rivera, his employer, he realizes that he secretly has a love affair with Frida despite being a married man. Harrison's life experience when living with unfaithful influences him to promiscuity when he grows up.

  3. 3

    What is the central irony in the book?

    Harrison is working for his boss, Rivera, but secretly seeing Frida, the boss' mistress. Rivera's relationship with Frida is illicit because he is already a married man, but secretly seeing Frida. Harrison is a loyal employee, which makes Rivera trust him very much. Ironically, Harrison is taking advantage of his employer's trust to have sex with Frida. Frida gets much satisfaction from Harrison, and they do everything to hide this from Rivera. When Rivera dies, Harrison takes Frida as his lover despite secretly seeing other women.

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