The Lacuna Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Lacuna Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Political repression (Motif)

The novel entails a multitude of political discourse through the incorporation of historical events during that period. The narrative takes place around the rise of McCarthyism and the impact it had on both political and social spheres. Shepherd undergoes political repression as the witch hunts bred false accusations against some members of the literary community. He is found guilty and remains an outcast until his death. Furthermore, the motif is explored through the well-known figure Leon Trotsky as he escaped and was in exile in Mexico.

Violet Brown (Symbol)

The story of the protagonist is majorly told through the compilations of his trusted secretary Violet Brown. Due to Shepherd’s secretive nature, he ensured that his private life could not be revealed by his journals and materials. Therefore Violet as a stenographer incorporates her own perspective to fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle. She is an extension of Shepherd since she is the only one who knew his private life and his actual thoughts. She symbolizes authenticity and truth to the story of a cagey man misunderstood and falsely accused by the system.

Art (Motif)

Shepherd delves into the art scene in Mexico interacting with historical figures such as the muralist Diego Rivera and his wife Frida Kahlo. Their friendship allows him to participate and find his knack in the art world even though he is a writer himself. The art movement during the era incorporated the political and social messages that the narrative highlights throughout.

Mass media (Motif)

The novel illustrates the phenomenon of yellow journalism especially during McCarthyism and the Red Scare. The protagonist becomes a victim of the yellow press since the newspapers propagate and convey sensational headlines. This motif is significant as it is still relevant in the modern climate with the advancement of different media platforms. The line between truth and misinformation is blurred as the false statements and crowd mentality trigger fear.

Lacuna as a symbol

The term lacuna holds multiple meanings in the novel in conjunction with being the title. It refers to a missing piece, a gap or empty conduit that exists in the physical sense or a philosophical fashion. It symbolizes the dissociation that exists between Shepherd and the world around him while struggling with his identity. Additionally, the missing part about his life that people do not know and will never know. Thus, the missing pieces of the novel itself with Violet as the stenographer highlights it literally.

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