The Leopard Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Fabrizio tackle the fact that he is going to die soon?

    At first, Fabrizio does not embrace the fact that he is going to die soon due to his particular belief that he is somewhat above death. Later, as his life takes a turn for the worse, Fabrizio comes to terms with the fact that he might die, considering the fact that it might even be a good and peaceful event for him. In this way, Fabrizio’s reaction is both negative and positive.

  2. 2

    Show how love is portrayed in The Leopard.

    Fabrizio’s nephew is said to be deeply and irrevocably in love with his girlfriend. The passion between these two is so intense that even Fabrizio is unable to comprehend its intensity. Fabrizio’s lack of comprehension of this love can be attributed to the fact that he always sees himself as higher than other people, something that his nephew does not do—judging people based on class or their social status.

  3. 3

    How is social status emphasized in this novel?

    Prince Fabrizio di Salina is the prince of a certain small country and as such is at the top of the social ladder and hierarchy. He is there caught up in the belief that he is, in fact, better than the other people who are in classes lower than his. However, when it becomes apparent that he is going to lose his position and status, he becomes depressed and mournful. Fabrizio because he associated his life with being a prince where he could enjoy the high social status loses everything when he loses the royalty.

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