The Leopard Quotes


“The wealth of many centuries had been transmitted into ornament, luxury, pleasure; no more; the abolition of feudal rights had swept away duties as well as privileges…”


The narrative accounts the political changes taking place in Sicilian society where the royal families are losing influence. Therefore, it focuses on the loss of social status that is granted on the royal members by birthright. However, Prince Fabrizio as the protagonist who believes he is above everyone and deserves the royal rights has to come to the realization that it is no more. It showcases how the families lost their influence and titles and their status only became ornamental as the Italian political influence took hold.

“As always the thought of his own death calmed him as much as that of others disturbed him: was it perhaps because, when all was said and done, his own death would in the first place mean that of the whole world?”


The narrative tackles death in terms of the human death and death of a legacy, royalty, and social status. Fabrizio views himself as above all these despite the changes taking hold in his reality. In the assertion, he still holds on to the fact that he is a figure that is not a mere mortal and his absence will be felt universally. Thus, thinking of himself highly gives him pride even of his own death and makes him make peace with it.

“Love. Of course, love. Flames for a year, ashes for thirty.”


Love is explored in the narrative through the romance between Tancredi and Angelica. Tancredi unlike Fabrizio does not hold himself highly due to the family royalty, rather is humble and even falls in love with a common girl. Tancredi believes in placing effort in everything in order to gain it even in pursuing love with a ‘commoner’. Fabrizio’s lack of empathy and humility make it impossible to experience the same type of love his nephew has.

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