The Natural Imagery

The Natural Imagery

The birth of a hero

From the first chapter of the novel, mythological elements and allusions can be detected. The novel begins with a journey in which Roy is guided by his father figure. The train passes at one point through a tunnel, dark and almost described as being a womb. The image created through the description of the tunnel is linked with Roy’s metaphorical birth as a new man, a hero who embarks on a journey on his own.

Parched field

The second chapter is important because it marks Roy’s birth as a hero. Also in the second chapter appears the description of the field where Roy played his first game. The field was dry, with no vegetation and almost dead looking. The image of the field is important because it is a visual representation of the state the team was in. Just like the field they played on, the team was parched, dead and unable to grow and win any match. The sight of the team made many pity them just like the sight of the field transmitted the idea of doom.

The devil

When Roy began to be successful and attract more fans for the team, he went to the Judge to ask for a raise. When Roy enters the Judge’s office, the way the Judge is described it important because it makes the reader think about something evil. When Roy first enters the Judge’s office, he is meeting with darkness and smoke coming from the Judge’s cigar. This images makes Roy think about the devil and the image intensifies further when the Judge refuses to offer Roy the raise he deserves.

Mysterious woman

After Roy was rejected by Memo, he became unfit to play baseball, making mistakes and questioning his every move. When Roy spots a mysterious woman in the crowd, however, his attitude changes and he begins to have more confidence. The presence of the mysterious woman dressed in red and with black hair does not affect only Roy; the men sitting beside her are also affected by her presence. The way the woman is described makes her stand out in the crowd. Is as if she is a splash of color in an grey world.

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