The Nose

The Nose Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What significance does the nose hold in the story?

    One interpretation is that the nose represents the importance of social rank in the story. Without the nose, Major Kovalev fears he will never attain his most coveted goals: to rise in the ranks of the civil service, and to marry a beautiful and rich woman. When his nose is restored, he is suddenly able to resume his activities in pursuit of these goals. The farcical appearance of the nose as a civil servant itself seems to indicate the absurdity at the heart of Major Kovalev's desire to climb the social ladder.

  2. 2

    "The Nose" is a satirical story written by Russian author Nikolai Gogol. What do you think Gogol was satirizing?

    The text can be read as a satire of social class and hierarchy. When confronted with his missing nose, Major Kovalev stammers and apologizes simply because the nose wears a uniform of higher rank, even though he is talking to his own nose. The absurdity of this situation serves to highlight the absurdity of class distinctions in general.

  3. 3

    How does the narrator portray masculinity in "The Nose"?

    Masculinity is a central concern for several characters throughout the text, and especially for protagonist Major Kovalev. His concerns revolve around the expression of his masculinity through ascendance of the social hierarchy, and of his virility through marriage to a beautiful and wealthy woman. The loss of his nose deeply threatens his masculine self-expression, and leads to a frenzy of distress.

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