The Nose

The Nose Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Nose (Symbol)

Various schools of interpretation exist as to what the nose in Gogol's story represents. To pyschoanalysts, it is a phallic symbol, representative of the castration anxiety that Major Kovalev possesses to an absurd degree. To others, it is a symbol of the emptiness of class distinctions and social aspirations.

Whiskers (Symbol)

The whiskers of several bureaucrats and police officers are described in great detail, and highlighted as an important attribute of their physical appearance. These whiskers serve as a symbol of their masculinity or virility, as well as of their high-ranking social status, all of which are attributes highly coveted by Major Kovalev.

Uniform (Motif)

The uniforms of different bureaucrats and police officers, with their crisp collars and red-braided edges, surface repeatedly throughout the text. These images add color and vivid description.

Pretty Women (Motif)

Beautiful women constitute a motif that constantly floats at the edge of Major Kovalev's mind. He desires them, but also keeps marriage at arm's length, preferring easy flirtations. They also serve as a great source of angst for Major Kovalev, as he fears he will lose his flirtations with beautiful women if he is missing a nose.

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