The Only Good Indians Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Only Good Indians Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Elk as a Motif

The Elk is a motif throughout the novel and in many ways a motif throughout the lives of the main characters as well; the killing of the elk certainly followed Lewis and Gabe from boyhood into adulthood as they seemed the most ashamed and remorseful over the murder.

The Elk is the central character, as she has returned specifically to avenge the death of her calf. The Elk is also held sacred within the tribal tradition which is why the unlawful slaughter was so heinous to begin with. At first the Elk appears as a vision, then as a warning, and finally as a character. She is also a link between past and present.

Elk as a Symbol

The Elk is also a symbol of death in the book. Each time one of the characters sees the Elk it is a sign that they are shortly to meet their death. This begins with Ricky, who follows the Elk into the parking lot, where he is chased by a group of men and killed. Whenever Lewis sees the Elk, tragedy befalls someone he loves. He also sees the Elk in Shaney's eyes before he kills her.

Symbol of the Elk Finding her Calf

The Elk finds the bones of her calf in the spot where Lewis and Ricky had buried her at the time of the slaughter. She takes her murdered calf back into the wilderness with her. This is a symbol of closure.

Lewis' Pregnant Wife as an Allegory

When Lewis' wife falls to her death, he learns that she is pregnant. He cuts the child out of her womb which is allegorical of the Elk's own story; after she was killed the boys realize she is pregnant and cut her calf out from her. When the same thing happens to Lewis' wife, it is an allegory of the Elk's own story.

Alcohol as a Symbol of Ruination

IN the novel, alcohol is a symbol of ruination.The characters who are alcoholics, or whose drinking is negatively affecting their lives, are basically ruined by their addiction. The characters who either don't drink to excess, or who have given up alcohol, can be seen to be improving their lives,and doing well. This is directly attributed to the power of alcohol to negatively affect the life of the person drinking.

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