The Parallax View Imagery

The Parallax View Imagery


We see the Committee surrounded by darkness. We cannot clearly see their faces as the camera pushes into them as they give their report that there is no conspiracy and they say their will be no questions. The image evokes the understanding that these men work in a world of secrecy and they only reveal what they want to reveal to people, not the truth.

Being Watched

Joe gets onto a kid's train with a former FBI agent as he wants to get access to classified information. The camera Pakula uses is a voyeuristic one as it makes us feel that Joe is being watched. It starts close and as the train moves away the men get further away and the camera goes behind a tree. It gives the feeling that someone is watching.

Around the Corner

Pakula puts Joe on the left edge of the frame and Deputy Red on the right. They are both in the Sheriff's home but neither can see each other because of the wall separating them. The shot is incredibly suspenseful because the Sheriff has just died at the hands of Joe and the Deputy wants to kill Joe. At any moment these men are going to discover one another.

Out of the Darkness

We see Joe come home to a dark apartment. A Parallax employee is waiting on him in the darkness. All we see are his shoes. The image shows us that this company operates in the dark. They want to be hidden not only to the world, but to the people they employ.

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