The Parallax View Irony

The Parallax View Irony


Joe asks to go inside of a couple's home to look for his parrot. Ironically, Joe doesn't have a parrot; he's only going inside to lead the police following him astray, and his plan works as he and the people are arrested.


Lee comes to Joe to tell him that she is being stalked and she believes someone is trying to kill her. She attempts to prove it to him, but he doesn't believe her. Ironically, the next day he has to identify her body at the morgue as she's been killed in a car accident and was loaded up on alcohol and pills.


Joe goes to a small town to investigate a death. He arrives at a bar and gets into a fight with a guy. He's able to knock him out and asks to call the police before having a sit down with another man. Ironically, the man he knocked out is the deputy and the man for the sit down is the Sheriff.


The Sheriff helps Joe find out what happened to his friend that died at the damn recently. Ironically, the Sheriff tries to kill Joe after giving him his help. He pulls his gun on Joe and expects him to drown in the same river the other man did.


Joe follows a Parallax assassin onto a plane that's heading from LA to Denver. He watches the assassin walk to the plane so he gets a ticket aboard. Ironically, the man he's followed isn't on the flight. He's gotten off the plane because he's planted a bomb aboard.

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