The Power and the Glory Irony

The Power and the Glory Irony

High treason

The Lieutenant was searching everywhere for the escaped priest, and when he came across captain Fellows the last asked what was the priest accused of, a murder? The Lieutenant said that his guilt was more serious, it was high treason. Then Fellows offered the officer some mineral water, and the last refused the offer, for what Fellows said: “Then I have nothing to offer to you. Drinking alcohol is a high treason”. In the times of government tyranny it was very dangerous to turn to such comments, but Fellows used ironic comments as a weapon, and this time this shot got the target.

Dramatic suffer

Mr. Tench was sitting in his room writing a letter to his ex-wife when he heard sounds of the ship approaching the harbor. He remembered at that moment that poor man (the priest), and hoped that he was well. He suspected that that man was not an ordinary person, but he did not think about it so softly, “he was used that people suffered – such was his profession”. The dentist thought that suffering he made people experience was the highest point of the suffer itself.

The irony of life

When the priest got into jail for drinking brandy, he managed to get out and nobody gave him up. When the lieutenant let him go he gave him few coins, so this poor man would have some money for food. At that moment the lieutenant did not know that it was the priest, his biggest enemy. It happened so that he helped his enemy himself.

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