The Power and the Glory Literary Elements

The Power and the Glory Literary Elements


A novel

Setting and Context

Post-revolutionary Mexico, state of Tobasco, the 1920s.

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narration

Tone and Mood

The tone is mostly sad and oppressive as the story reveals the events of persecutions after the church

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is the priest, and the antagonist is the lieutenant

Major Conflict

The major conflict is in belief in God and what a person can endure for his faith


The climax occurs when the priest is shot


The priest had a bad habit – he liked to drink brandy, and this foreshadows that something awful might happen as when a person has an addiction he might get into trouble because of it, and it really happens, he has been arrested for drinking brandy. Fortunately this time his identity was not revealed, but he was very near death




The story alludes to the history of how America started a war for its independence. There are allusions to Boston tea party and some other events of that time


The imagery is used in descriptions of forests and little villages where the priest finds a refuge sometimes


When the priest went to the person who wanted to confess to a priest, he knew that it was a trap, but still went there. He knew he would be caught, but did not even try to get out of this



Metonymy and Synecdoche

“drunk brandy showed its effect”(metonymy for the stranger who has drunk some brandy and after his behavior has changed)
“the detachment returned to the barracks” (synecdoche for soldiers”)


“The little town was drowning in the mud”

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