The Prestige Cast List

The Prestige Cast List

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman has starred in some of the highest earning films in Hollywood. His most well known role comes in the role of Wolverine in the X-Men franchise, of which he played the role for eighteen years, which currently allows him to hold a Guinness World Record for "longest career as a live-action Marvel superhero." However he has tried his hand, quite successfully, at other roles, most recently as P.T Barnum in The Greatest Showman (2017) which earned him a Grammy Award for Best Soundtrack Album.

Christian Bale

Much like the other cast members, Bale is most well known for his role in the action-superhero franchise Batman, directed by Christopher Nolan. The trilogy garnered him an immense reputation as one of Hollywood’s leading stars and gained him international recognition, and has been the highlight of his career. He has gone on to star in many profitable films since, most recently having starred in Vice (2018) in which he played American politician Dick Cheney, which earned him a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor.

Scarlett Johansson

Johansson has had a rich Hollywood experience from early on, having been a child actor, but went on to become prominent for adult roles beginning with her appearance in the movie Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003). She has since gone on to star in box office hits such as Lost in Translation (2003), which earned her a BAFTA award, and her role as Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that has spanned over a decade for her. She has also performed on Broadway for A View from the Bridge (2010), which led to a Tony Award for Best Featured Actress.

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