The Promise Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the author build the theme of death in 'The Promise?'

    The theme of death is dominant throughout the book. Death starts with Swart's family matriarch, Rachel, who dies after a long illness in 1986. After Rachel's death, the family is faced with mysterious deaths due to Manie's failure to honor his promise of giving Salome a house. Manie dies nine years after the death of his wife. After ten years of Manie's death, Astrid is killed in a carjacking incident. The latest death in the family takes place in 2017 after Anton kills himself using his father's gun due to depression.

  2. 2

    What is the symbolic connotation of Salome receiving the house ownership at her old age?

    Salome's act of receiving house ownership from Amor symbolizes relief for South Africans waiting for independence for long. Amor symbolizes the white ruler who decides to give the black people the power to run their affairs. Similarly, Salome's advancing age represents the struggle for independence by the older generations whose fruits will be enjoyed by their children. For instance, Salome's son, Lukas, is the one who enjoys the house ownership and the inheritance given to Salome by Amor. Similarly, the modern generation is enjoying the fruits of independence fought for by our forefathers.

  3. 3

    How did Amor survive the mysterious deaths that claimed her entire family?

    Amor is the only person who heard her mother requesting Manie to give the house owner on the farm to Salome. After Amor's mother dies, Manie argues that he never promised to give Salome a house. Amor insists that he overheard their discussion, but Manie still refuses. However, Amor continues to insist that the family should honor their mother's wish to give Salome a house over the years. Consequently, Amor survives the mysterious deaths in the family because she is telling the truth and stands for the truth. Later in life, Amor hands over the house to Salome.

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