The Question Irony

The Question Irony

The irony of torture

The paratroopers use torture as a sure bet when they want to get information from the detainees. When the paratroopers detain the author, they subject him to torture to retrieve vital information from him. Satirically, even after waterboarding the author, the paratroopers did not get any vital information from the author.

Sacrifice for the sake of victims

Alleg does not stop astonishing readers when he gives an account of his life and the sufferings he went through for the sake of fellow victims. Instead of collaborating with the paratroopers, Alleg chose to undergo misery and torture so that in the end, he could give a voice to innumerable victims who suffered like him.

The satire of the suffering

Sardonically, the author is given an opportunity by the paratroopers to have a good life and better treatment, but he chooses to suffer! According to the author, it is better to suffer for the common good. However, many people will choose better treatment over suffering.

The irony of silence

Why do many people choose to suffer in silence? Alleg answers this question by stating that fear is the common factor that denies people the confidence to stand their ground. Despite being subjected to suffering by paratroopers, Alleg decides to remain firm and fearless to ensure that he voices the concerns of all those victims who suffer in silence.

The satire of victimization

Victimization is a major theme in β€˜The Question,’ which is entirely satirical. The paratroopers only think that the best way to reign over the weak is through victimization. However, Alleg proves them wrong when he decides to remain calm and silent despite the endless torture they subjected him. Therefore, victimization is not the absolute strategy to get information from the victims.

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