The Question Themes

The Question Themes


By writing this piece, the author managed to give agency to the countless others who had suffered the same fate as him. He talks about the dual elements of suffering and survival, and the conquest of survival over suffering.

The central theme of this work is clearly of survival. Despite all the ordeals faced by the author, he was able to stand his ground and tell his story. He talks about the myriad ordeals faced by him, all of which make is survival all the much more relevant and important. He stands, despite all odds, as a survivor.


Another pivotal theme in this work is that of suffering. The author talks about all the ordeals he had to face while in the camps. He suffered a multitude of tortures, both physical and mental. He was tortured, threatened, coerced, isolated and much more. This theme, when coupled with the theme of survival, brings out the essence of the story.


The central question that is grappled with in this text is the idea that "By attacking corrupt Frenchmen, it is France that I am defending". This idea rises time and again in the text. It is clear that the author's relentless silence in the face of such adversities was a projection of his undying love for his land. Hence, while patriotism isn't the central theme in this text, it is an indispensable one.


Another theme that surfaces with that of survival is victimhood. It is clear that this story is told from the perspective of the victim. The story reflects the emotions, weaknesses and strengths of Alleg, the victim.

By telling the story from this perspective, the author essentially gives voice to areas of silence. Several voices are lost in the time of war, and Alleg questions the normalization of this in time of war.

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