The Robber Bridegroom Characters

The Robber Bridegroom Character List

Clement Musgrove

Backwoods planter near Rodney’s Landing on the Mississippi River. As the father of Rosamond Musgrove he makes the mistake of promising her hand to Jamie Lockhart should Jamie kill the bandit that took off with her clothes.

Jamie Lockhart

A so-called gentleman bandit who rapes Rosamond Musgrove in the woods. After Jamie makes off with Rosamond, Clement issues the promise of her hand in marriage to him provided he finds her. Jamie returns to Clement with the wrong girl. Eventually, he will marry the girl he raped and become rich in the bargain.

Rosamond Musgrove Lockhart

Truly one of the most psychologically complex characters in American fiction. Abducted and raped by Jamie—not to mention having her dress stolen by him—she falls in love anyway. Also captured by Indians, she makes her escape by promising to marry Goat—strangely she does not marry that abductor. Instead, she gets lost in the woods while searching for her rapist, but eventually is…lucky…enough to track him down in New Orleans. Gives birth to twins as a result of their union.


Clement’s neighbor whose driving ambition is to find husbands for his six virginal sisters. Rescues Rosamond from Indians as part of a conspiracy she engages with Salome Musgrove to kill Salome’s stepdaughter.

Salome Musgrove

Rosamond’s stepmother who is greedy to the core and possessed of a rotten soul. Makes a deal with the Indians that results in her dying during a sun dance ritual.

Mike Fink

Yes, that Mike Fink. The famous Mississippi River boatman of folk tales. Tried to murder Clement and Jamie in an effort to make off with their gold.

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