The Robber Bridegroom Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why does Salome plot against Rosamund?

    Salome is jealous of her stepdaughter. She resents Rosamund. This comes to ahead when Clement Musgrove comes home from a business trip and gifts his wife a new feather duster and gifts Rosamund a dress sewn with gold. This leads Salome to plot with Goat to kill Rosamund.

  2. 2

    Why does Clement Musgrove ask Jamie Lockhart home to meet his daughter?

    Clement Musgrove invites Jamie Lockhart home to meet his daughter after the man saves him from being murdered by a local gang. He thinks him to be an outstanding man and wants him to marry is daughter.

  3. 3

    How does love change Jamie Lockhart?

    Jamie Lockhart is a thief who ingratiates himself to a wealthy planter. He does not plan to marry Rosamund, but to use her for his pleasure. However, he ends up falling in love with Rosamund and protects her from being killed by the Harp gang. Their love leads him to marry her.

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