The Sane Society Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    After reading The Sane Society by Erich Fromm, do you think that the perception of God will be revolutionized in the days to come?

    After appraisal of the book, the reader is able to see the irony of a man who is using his artistic capabilities to create own gods. Human development has seen people use objects to curve gods whom others end up worshiping. For instance, idols representing gods are built from woods and stone carvings. Therefore, from the text, the reader can conclude that people are becoming own gods. As days progress, there is a possibility of rebelling God because man has become more creative to imagine that God does not exist.

  2. 2

    Explain how the author brings out the theme of person-consciousness in The Sane Society.

    Personal consciousness theme is evident throughout the text because it amalgamates all aspects of human activities ranging from psychology and economics. The creation of a sagacious society is reliant on people's awareness of the benefits of wisdom and psychosis. Therefore, the aptitude to recognize lunacy and its negative impacts is the first step in creating a levelheaded society. A lunatic society is a disgrace to humanity. For instance, walking into a mental illness facility in which both patients and doctors are mad the outcome is can be unimaginable. Therefore, creating a rational civilization requires people to first identify the consequences of their stupidity.

  3. 3

    Why did Nietzsche notoriously assert that God is lifeless in the 19th century?

    The book focuses on the evils of humanity. The salves during this time did not see the existence of a sane society because they are treated as lesser beings. According to Nietzsche, slaves reject thinking that they have value to themselves. The one who benefits from their hard work is the master. The slave-master dialect justifies Nietzsche’s argument that God is dead because he has not fought for the freedom of the slaves from their harsh masters.

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