The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Characters

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Character List

Alec Leamas

Alec is the protagonist of the book. Alec is a man in his fifties who works as a spy for the British Government. In the beginning of the book, he is told to return home after his mission failed. Back home, Alec was told he must remain in the cold for a while longer and that he must be careful about the role he will have to play. Alec is not given too much information about the mission just that he has to protect an invaluable asset for the British Secret Service. Alec reveals some information about his past during the conversation he has with Peters. Through those conversations, the reader finds that Alec was a soldier during the Second World War and then he was promoted as a spy because he spoke the language of the country where he was stationed. During his time as a soldier, he witnessed gruesome scenes, seeing refugees being killed during air raids. After the end of the war, Alec was sent to Berlin where he continued to work as a spy. During his time there, Alec saw just how his men were affected by their relationship with other people and thus he decided to keep himself separated from everyone. Unfortunately for him, this became impossible when he meet Liz. Even though he tried to keep himself distant, Alec felt in love with her and in the end he decided that he would rather die that live without her.

Liz Gold

Liz Gold is the woman Alec falls in love with. The two meet during the time Alec worked at the library and even though they spent little time together, they got attached to one another. Liz is a compassionate woman who takes care of Alec when he gets sick and her kind attitude makes Alec want to spend more time with her. Before Alec disappears, he lets Liz understand he will be gone for a while. Liz is a member of the Communist Party and Control arranged things so that Liz and Alec could meet. Liz is used in the trial against Mundt and before leaving Germany she realizes that she will no longer be able to go back to her old life because of her involvement. Liz is killed before she can cross over to the other side of the Berlin Wall.


Fiedler is the second man who questions Alec. Fiedler is a Jew and also a Communist who returned to Germany after the Second World War ended. Fiedler is the second-in-command at the Abteilung and he agrees to help Alec frame Mundt after Alec convinces him that Mundt is a British spy. Despite his role, Alec likes Fiedler because he is a good man and when it becomes clear that they will lose the trial against Mundt he tries to save Fiedler by taking the blame on himself. Towards the end of the novel, Alec realizes that he was sent by Control to frame Fiedler because he started to suspect Mundt of being a British spy. In the end, Fiedler is killed because he conspired to frame a loyal party member.


Mundt is a former Nazi who lives in the Communist controlled Germany. Alec describes Mundt as a murderer who has no compassion and who is an anti-Semite. For a long time, Alec thinks he was sent to Germany to frame Mundt and plan his death. Towards the end, he realizes that Mundt was actually a British spy and that he had to frame another person who came too close to finding Mundt’s true identity.


Control is the name given to the Head of the British secret service. Control is the one who orchestrates Alec’s last mission. Control chooses not to give Alec too much information about his mission and does not tell him who he is supposed to protect.

George Smiley

Smiley is another spy who in the novel is retired. He appears at the end when Alec tries to cross over the Berlin Wall. It is unclear whether Smiley was supposed to help Alec cross or make sure he died as the Wall.

Peter Guillam

Peter is another spy who used to work with Smiley. He accompanies Smiley when he goes to visit Liz and is also implied that he is the one who paid Alec’s rent after he went to Berlin.

Karl Riemeck

Karl was a spy working for the British who was killed at the end of the novel. Alec mentions him frequently as being the best men he ever had. It is implied that he was killed because he spoke about things that were supposed to be classified with a woman named Elvira who betrayed him.


Ashe is the Communist who contacted Alec after he got out of prison. Ashe takes Alec to Sam who then in turns takes Alec to another prominent Communist member.


Peters is the first person who interrogates Alec and who is given the task to take Alec to Berlin to be interrogated further.


Elvira was Karl’s mistress. She is also the one who is rumored to have betrayed Karl and have him killed. Elvira is killed a few days before Alec is taken to Berlin.

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